Vehicle Fleet Manager 2024.10.14
Vehicle Fleet Manager is an application easy to use for automotive companies want to manage the entire list with detailed information about expense tracking for car, employees, suppliers, parts and services. The interface of the tool at the time the first reviews seem too download, if you don't know English, it will be difficult to find it.
In fact, the program allows you to create a basic list of services, facilities, suppliers and employees, along with the maintenance schedule, gradually enter the cost and other related information control, statistics, reports and charts, and manage alerts and reminders. All the necessary adjustments can take more time, depending on the level of complexity of the database of you. For each employee, you can write general information, and contact information, various data (for example, link and expiration date), media is controlled, the accident file and report attached.
Vehicle Fleet Manager - Manager cost business car transport
The parts and materials input required, part number, description, supplier and manufacturer. In addition, you can import this data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, as well as manage the list of service templates. You can track work orders, create reports of vehicles, fuel consumption, cost and other factors (for example, parts and materials), backup and restore database and protect it from other users using a password, edit the reminder, global management access level , as well as customize the tab displayed in the main window, among many other options.
Features of Vehicle Fleet Manager
- With the features list more comprehensive than anything we ever produced, The fleet management 4.0 brings experience management team car complete.
- Tracking costs, creating maintenance programs and service schedules, track fuel consumption, track the value and depreciation of vehicles and manage driver profiles from the same interface. Start your day with a daily email from the Management Fleet of Vehicles for you to know what to limit and what the limit. Run the in-depth reporting and go deeper into your data to find ways in which your fleet superior in terms of efficiency and where there may be room to improve.
- This is the life of a fleet manager have the power of management software, fleet quality behind them.
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