Unit converter, Convert metric 2.6.0 build 151
Unit converter is the best Converter calculator app on the market because it is made for you and for you. This Unit Converter is very intuitive for converting all currencies, weights and measures. Use the powerful conversion calculator to do all your math in the app. Convert units and figures.
This unit converter is a simple calculator for units, very easy to use and very useful for changing measurements from/to imperial and universal system calculator.
All categories included in....
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Unit converter is the best Converter calculator app on the market because it is made for you and for you. This Unit Converter is very intuitive for converting all currencies, weights and measures. Use the powerful conversion calculator to do all your math in the app. Convert units and figures.
This unit converter is a simple calculator for units, very easy to use and very useful for changing measurements from/to imperial and universal system calculator.
All categories included in measurement converter
- Weight & mass units: lbs to kg, kg to lb, kg to pounds or pounds to kilo
- Temperature unit: Fahrenheit to Celcius ° c to ° f
- Distance & Length Conversion: Convert Miles to km, Inches to centimeters, etc.
- Volume, quantity and capacity
- Time, duration and cycle: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years
- Size
- Speed
- Computer memory unit
- Energy, energy, heat and thermodynamics
- Fuel consumption
- Electrical unit
- Currency: with forex trading exchange rates
- Shoe and clothing size converter (men, women, children and babies)
- Corner
- Force
- Pressure
- Flow
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