Softwares Arturia Rotary CLS-222

Arturia Rotary CLS-222 reimagines the classic Dynacord speaker emulator as an innovative addition that goes from smooth, smooth stereo whirls to synchronous recording - enhanced your sound with additional width, momentum, and similar character in seconds. Fill your sound with the instantly recognizable sound of spin effects; Explore the iconic spinning character heard on countless recordings, or explore the wilder side of stereo motion with additional innovative features. Features of....

Arturia Rotary CLS-222 reimagines the classic Dynacord speaker emulator as an innovative addition that goes from smooth, smooth stereo whirls to synchronous recording - enhanced your sound with additional width, momentum, and similar character in seconds. Fill your sound with the instantly recognizable sound of spin effects; Explore the iconic spinning character heard on countless recordings, or explore the wilder side of stereo motion with additional innovative features.

Features of Arturia Rotary CLS-222

  • Simulate vintage studio shooting effects
  • Modeled Op-amp Preamplifier
  • Additional valve preamplifier circuit
  • Continuous stereo width control, from mono to 120%
  • Fast, Slow and Stop modes with acceleration in between
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