Windows11Upgrade 1.0.0
With the official launch of Windows 11, chances are that most of you want to try it out. As the name suggests, Windows11Upgrade is a small, lightweight tool that can help you download a new operating system and install it on your system. Note that the developer did not specify any details about the Windows 11 ISO version being downloaded.
Windows11Upgrade is a small, lightweight tool that can help you download and install Windows 11 on your existing machine even if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements through this tool.
In terms of interface, Windows11Upgrade has a small window that gives you two basic options, that is, select the ISO file you want to install or download. Once you have the file, the app gives you three installation options, so choose one based on your needs and preferences. Basically, you can perform a clean install of Windows, an upgrade that saves your current apps and data, or a data-only upgrade.
Features of Windows11Upgrade
- Easy to download and install Windows 11
- Pass the stringent requirements of Windows 11 and support installing Windows 11 on your computer
- Three setting options
- Simple interface, easy to use.
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