Softwares Wondershare PDFelement Pro

Wondershare PDFelement Pro support users to convert PDF to office documents for easier use, modify in every situation. Is one of the software conversion material is rated best today, integrated with many features. We recommend that you should use experience software many useful features this. Wondershare PDFelement Pro - conversion Fie PDF more features, multi-language Wondershare PDFelement Pro what? Convert PDF into Word, Excel, PowerPoint... • Convert PDF and protected PDF into....

Wondershare PDFelement Pro support users to convert PDF to office documents for easier use, modify in every situation. Is one of the software conversion material is rated best today, integrated with many features. We recommend that you should use experience software many useful features this.

Wondershare PDFelement Pro - conversion Fie PDF more features, multi-language

Wondershare PDFelement Pro what?

Convert PDF into Word, Excel, PowerPoint...

• Convert PDF and protected PDF into Word, Excel, TexT, PowerPoint, EPUB, HTML, RTF and image like JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF so on.
• Create PDF 100% compatible with Adobe from diverse file formats.

Convert 300+ formats of PDFv

Compatible with over 300 formats, including Word, Excel, Powerpoint and image files, the files created by Wondershare PDF Editor are 100% accessible by Adobe Reader, Acrobat and reader PDF other.

Convert text to PDF scan image to text can use back - while retaining the appearance of the document.

OCR technology the most advanced (optical character Recognition optical) turn it into a document completely editable, allowing you to:
• Text search
• Edit, insert, delete text
• To change text format
• Resize and delete images
• ...and anything else you can do with a standard file

Multi-language support.

Working with text PDF scan in most of the languages, including: English , British, Korean, Italian, French, German, Russian, Czech, Turkish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Greek, Croatian, Bulgarian, and more.

Content update Wondershare PDFelement Pro

The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.

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