VisualAnalysis Advanced 22.00.0002
VisualAnalysis Advanced is software for analyzing and designing any structure, in any material. It's easy to learn and apply to your next job. Thousands of professionals leverage VisualAnalysis for 3D static and dynamic FEA analysis for civil, mechanical, aerospace, or any other structural analysis. Supports build code loading combination option.
Features of VisualAnalysis Advanced
2D Model: Beam, Flat Frame & Truss
Any material: Database or Custom
Member Component, Extensible,....
Thanks for Downloading
VisualAnalysis Advanced is software for analyzing and designing any structure, in any material. It's easy to learn and apply to your next job. Thousands of professionals leverage VisualAnalysis for 3D static and dynamic FEA analysis for civil, mechanical, aerospace, or any other structural analysis. Supports build code loading combination option.
Features of VisualAnalysis Advanced
- 2D Model: Beam, Flat Frame & Truss
- Any material: Database or Custom
- Member Component, Extensible, customizable Shape Database
- Create a parametric model
- Modeling: Sketch, Create, Copy/Paste
- Import model: Spreadsheet, CAD, Revit, SDNF
- Load button: Force, Moment, Settlement
- Load members: Concentration, distribution, heat
- Copy & Paste Model
- Automatic build code matching (IBC, ASCE7, NBC...)
- Customizable load combinations
- Static analysis: 1st order, P-delta, AISC Direct
- Element force, stress, displacement;
- Graphic Results
- Reports: Easy, customizable, professional
- Validate the model, Check reasonable results
- Export to CAD, Revit, SketchUp, STAAD, SDNF
- 3D models: Space frames and trusses, tanks, etc.
- Plate/shell parts
- Elastic spring support
- Plate loading: Pressure, hydrostatic, thermal
- Load generation in branch area
- Dynamic Analysis: Methods & Feedback
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