Softwares Wave Arts MultiDynamics 7 v7.04

Wave Arts MultiDynamics is a software plugin developed by Wave Arts, a company known for its high-quality audio processing plugins. MultiDynamics 7 is a powerful multi-band dynamics processor useful for mastering, track processing, sound design and noise reduction. MultiDynamics offers up to 6 bands with independent compression or scaling/gating on each band. Multi-band dynamic processing combines dynamic equalization and processing techniques, but is more powerful than static equalizer....

Wave Arts MultiDynamics is a software plugin developed by Wave Arts, a company known for its high-quality audio processing plugins. MultiDynamics 7 is a powerful multi-band dynamics processor useful for mastering, track processing, sound design and noise reduction. MultiDynamics offers up to 6 bands with independent compression or scaling/gating on each band. Multi-band dynamic processing combines dynamic equalization and processing techniques, but is more powerful than static equalizer or single-band dynamic processor.

With MultiDynamics, you can apply compression, expansion, porting, and limiting to your audio tracks, providing precise control over dynamics and volume levels. It is often used in mixing and mastering situations to achieve a polished and balanced sound.

Several ways to use MultiDynamics 7:

  1. Dynamics depends on frequency. A simple application of multiband dynamics is to apply compression or expansion to a specific frequency range. For example, you might want to compress vocals in a mix without affecting low frequencies (bass, kick drums) or high frequencies (snare, cymbals). This is easily done by creating a midrange to cover the vocal range and setting it to compression.
  2. EQ depends on the level. You can also think of the multi-band dynamic as providing an EQ depending on the level of the input audio. For example, you may want to lighten the sound of the high hat, but only if the drums are played softly. This can be done by setting a high frequency band that increases gain when the input is below threshold. This is more effective than using a stand EQ which will shift the tonal balance at all levels equally.
  3. Reduce the noise. Another powerful use of MultiDynamics 7 is noise reduction. This is done using multiple gate ranges where the thresholds are set just above the ambient noise level. MultiDynamics 7 excels at denoising and does not suffer from artifacts typical of FFT-based denoisers.
  4. You can use MultiDynamics 7 to hide the music behind the narration so that the foreground dialog remains understandable when mixed with the background music. The use of a multi-band processor allows the music to be reduced only in the frequency bands with dialog energy, which creates a more transparent effect.
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