Color Gear: color wheel 3.3.0
Color Gear is a useful color tool that helps create harmonious color palettes. To find the right color palette, designers and artists use color theory and its foundations: the color wheel and harmony. You don't have to be a color expert to use this app - Color Gear is a user-friendly app, suitable for both beginners and professionals. The perfect app to understand color theory and work daily with color palettes.
Main features:
Use colors that suit your needs.
Build a color palette....
Thanks for Downloading
Color Gear is a useful color tool that helps create harmonious color palettes. To find the right color palette, designers and artists use color theory and its foundations: the color wheel and harmony. You don't have to be a color expert to use this app - Color Gear is a user-friendly app, suitable for both beginners and professionals. The perfect app to understand color theory and work daily with color palettes.
Main features:
- Use colors that suit your needs.
- Build a color palette based on the added color code.
- Ability to extract colors from uploaded images.
- Save the Color Palette with the Image you uploaded.
- Advanced color correction tools.
- Easy to manage and share.
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