Hard Configurator / Beta
Hard Configurator is the user interface graphics only for advanced users to manage policies, software restriction (SRP) and hardening the version Windows Home from Vista and above. You can configure integrated security Windows to harden the system. When you close it it will close all processes of it. Real-time protection to from the Windows installation to be reconfigured. Hard Configurator can be viewed as rejection setting default smart Rate integrity-average, based on reputation....
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Hard Configurator is the user interface graphics only for advanced users to manage policies, software restriction (SRP) and hardening the version Windows Home from Vista and above. You can configure integrated security Windows to harden the system. When you close it it will close all processes of it. Real-time protection to from the Windows installation to be reconfigured. Hard Configurator can be viewed as rejection setting default smart Rate integrity-average, based on reputation services application SRP + (mandatory SmartScreen) + install hard Windows.
The features of Hard Configurator
- Activation policy software restrictions in the Windows version Home.
- Change the security level SRP option, execute and file types that are specified.
- Files white in the SRP path (also with wildcards) and by the hash function.
- Blocked the enforcement system vulnerable through SRP (blacklist Bouncer).
- Protection (deny execute) the directory, I can write in the directory "C: Windows" (via SRP).
- Limited made shortcut with just a number of folders (via SRP).
- Activate the advanced settings of Windows Defender as protection PUA, rules, ASR, network protection, etc.
- Protect against the material is gas warfare, when MS Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader XI / DC used to open them.
- Enable the "Run as administrator" for files MSI.
- Disable execute script PowerShell (Windows 7+).
- Protect PowerShell mode language binding (SRP, PowerShell 5.0+)
- Disable execution of scripts is managed by Windows Script Host.
- Clear the option "Run as administrator" from the context menu right-click of Explorer.
- Forced SmartScreen to check files that not have the 'Mark Of The Web' (Windows 8+).
- Disable remote computer support, remote shell, remote, and remote registry.
- Disable the execution of application 16 bit.
- Ensure the expansion Shell.
- Disable the SMB protocol.
- Disable the program on standard user account.
- Disable the memory cache.
- Forcing The order note safe reminder control user account.
- Filter the log event Windows for the event execute file is blocked (Nirsoft FullEventLogView).
- Filter autorun from user space and autorun script from anywhere (Sysiternals Autorun).
- Trigger & Filter logs SRP advanced.
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