Softwares LogFusion Pro 7.0

LogFusion Pro is a monitoring tool powerful diary helps to analyze your logs easy. Take advantage of features Filter text and Filter text of LogFusion to quickly filter your log and only show the relevant lines you are looking for. Use features custom Columns to parse LogFusion and split your logs into separate columns for easier reading. Like the program 'tail' in the popular Linux / Unix, LogFusion can also auto-scroll and always show you the latest line in the log file of you in real....

LogFusion Pro is a monitoring tool powerful diary helps to analyze your logs easy. Take advantage of features Filter text and Filter text of LogFusion to quickly filter your log and only show the relevant lines you are looking for. Use features custom Columns to parse LogFusion and split your logs into separate columns for easier reading. Like the program 'tail' in the popular Linux / Unix, LogFusion can also auto-scroll and always show you the latest line in the log file of you in real time.

The main features of LogFusion Pro

  • Use highlight customize powerful of LogFusion to match the text string or regular expression pattern, and format the log line fits your needs.
  • Use the Filter text enhancement of LogFusion to filter and hide lines not matching search text, all in real-time as new lines are being added.
  • LogFusion can automatically add new log from the folder view.
  • Create definitions, custom columns, and let LogFusion parse and split the log line of custom columns for easier reading.
  • LogFusion Pro can sync the rules highlight your online store, allows for easy download and update them from any computer you log in.
  • LogFusion can read any log file any text, such as server logs or debug log application
  • LogFusion use tabbed interface intuitive and familiar, while still allowing you to get the logs from the main window into separate windows to compare in parallel the logs related.
  • Scroll bar of LogFusion showing indicators for the lines highlighted in the log files, making it easy to locate the joint line with rules highlight your special is in the log file big.
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