NewTek LightWave 3D 2024.1.0
NewTek LightWave 3D help everyone can become a painter and animator 3D. This software is affordable, complete, easy to learn and easy to use and is well established as one of the 3D system on the market leading to create the photo-realistic beautiful eyes as well as anime incredible. Solution 3D, this complete is provide the ability to interactive 3D real-time cooperation through the bridge to the Unreal Engine.
Software NewTek LightWave 3D step into the era to swap with link this line of work, between the Unreal Engine and LightWave 3D®, focused on LightWave driver Unreal change repeated. Many seats LightWave can connect at the same time with the same editor, Unreal to allow collaboration in real time between artists. Bridge use detection mechanism network NDI® has been proven of NewTek to automatic configuration easy and can be limited to use for a single project in the Unreal or to be installed as plugin general to use in all projects the Unreal.
NewTek LightWave 3D - design, 3D graphics
The new features in NewTek LightWave 3D
- Real-time collaboration LightWave for Unreal Engine
- FBX and the new interchange Bridge
- Working with data FBX standard of the industry at a whole new level through the new interchange Bridge.
- Interactive choose what to import / export and how.
- Added files FBX is available from the layout and The model creation
- Building assets LightWave 3D® from multiple files FBX.
- Easy access back to the file FBX through the work space.
- The custom tool pattern shading
- The ability to pull the material out and build them according to your hobby is something new with LightWave 3D® 2019. Have access to Function Fresnel Of the material and The integrated material. Group of tool materials have been updated with new buttons to support this possibility.
- Create content OpenVDB
- LightWave 3D® 2018 has introduced the ability to import and export volume fog OpenVDB. New for LightWave 3D® 2019 is a set of tools button allows to create content OpenVDB. Now you can create the grid, OpenVDB from the meshes, particles, and even the tool estimated the distance primitive shapes. The tool allows performing operations geometry building blocks (CSG) directly, filter mesh, including the levels, smoothing, dilation and erosion. The award was included to allow for fluid simulation and effects, smoke and fire.
- Metamorphosis is a plug-in sculpted mesh multi-function and sculpture map of LightWave 3D® 2019 active in the layout and make maximum use of the new capabilities of the stack modification.
- Freeform sculpture cartoon
- Built-in undo / redo system
- Sculpture using all the available CPU core support pressure Pen for brush size, strength, and stiffness (only for Windows) Nodal texture brush supports three modes of animation, non-linear interpolation sculpt keyframe animation
- Support conversion of frames animated sculpture of Endomorphs
- Sculpture morphology rectify the prediction operations after the deformation with the controller / integrated controller supporting Full Motion Blur
- Display Scaling
- Support scaling many elements ui for HiDPI and large-screen display optional expand the scale, independent for multi-screen settings the skeletal system
- Improve game development.
Content update NewTek LightWave 3D 2019.1.3 Build 3132:
The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.
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