Softwares Work Shift Calendar

Shift schedule is designed for shift workers and those who need to organize their daily work so they don't miss any appointments. You can fully control your working day and income quickly and easily thanks to our statistical system. Change Create fully configurable cases Add your work days with the option to include shifts and rest periods. Keep track of your schedule Enter your income, overtime, and early leave. Set up income and control working time easily Create an alarm....

Shift schedule is designed for shift workers and those who need to organize their daily work so they don't miss any appointments. You can fully control your working day and income quickly and easily thanks to our statistical system.


  • Create fully configurable cases
  • Add your work days with the option to include shifts and rest periods. Keep track of your schedule
  • Enter your income, overtime, and early leave. Set up income and control working time easily
  • Create an alarm related to that shift (for that day or the day before) and customize its sound
  • Includes actions at the beginning or end of each shift's schedule (WIFI, audio mode, Bluetooth)
  • Paint up to two shifts per day.
  • Import your shifts from one calendar to another.
  • Add customizable icons associated with a date.


  • Create notes every day and add reminders with alarms. Never forget important appointments or notes
  • Customize alarm sound.
  • Include images and hand-drawn drawings in your notes ️


  • Create a desktop widget and view your calendar even without the app open.
  • Choose between weekly and monthly Widgets.
  • Choose the size you like better.

Top functions

  • Enjoy Monthly and Yearly View (allows you to see all months of the year just by sliding the screen as well as Yearly Statistics).
  • Export your calendar to Google calendar.
  • Add national holidays directly from Google Calendar
  • Control your work hours and earnings by selecting a date range in the Statistics section.
  • See upcoming notes at a glance.
  • Compare different calendars.
  • Share your calendar (monthly, yearly view or calendar comparison) with friends via WhatsApp, email, Telegram...
  • Create backups easily.
  • Set up to ten different calendars.
  • Simply import other calendars.
  • Use icon search to find them quickly

Easy to use

Modify your calendar in two ways

  • 1. Quick or Draw mode: Select an event from the drop-down list and click on dates to plot them using that event
  • 2. Edit mode: Select one or more dates and perform actions within the selected date range (repeat, copy, cut, paste, delete or assign shifts)

Shifts menu: you can view all shifts of that calendar, create new shifts, edit, reorder or import them.

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