Scientific Toolworks Understand 7.0 Build 1216
Scientific Toolworks Understand is a tool of static analysis to management, measurement and analysis, ability to program. This tool can measure multiple metrics and give you the clear chart about the indicator code different. For example: number of layers, number of project files, number of methods, number of lines, blank lines, comments, dead code, rate, comment on code, complexity in the cycle and the level of trouble of the code, the level of dependence of code together, the rate of duplication of code. Number of links program execution status, inheritance, the weight of the method in comparison with grades and many other figures can be measured.
Scientific Toolworks Understand - analysis programming
Basic figures of the Scientific Toolworks Understand
- The number of layers
- The number of files
- The number of function
- The number of lines
- The number of blank lines
- The number of lines of code
- Number line review
- The number of inactive lines
- The number of declarative statement
- The number of statement executed
- Ratio of comments to code
Advanced statistics of Scientific Toolworks Understand
- The complex cyclical
- Knots
- Coupling layer
- Percent lack of cohesion
- Counting links
- Inheritance maximum
- Counting base class
- Count inheritance
- Number of method instance
- Method weighted for each class
The function of Scientific Toolworks Understand
- Environmental graphics, simple and easy operation
- The ability to measure the kind of figures differ in software technology
- Compatible with many programming code
- The ability to search rapidly in a large number of code
- The ability to integrate with environment Eclipse
- Draw diagrams and flowcharts from code.
Content update Scientific Toolworks Understand 5.1.1000:
The official website does not provide any information about the changes in this version.
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