SciTE 5.5.3
SciTE is the editor program source code for the programming language. SciTE is completely free and open source. SciTE is based on Scintilla, that supports the syntax of many languages, and works both on Windows and Linux. SciTE is a text editor based on SCIntilla. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown into an editor generally useful with the means to build and run the program. It is best used for the job are simple configurations - I use it to build the test program and....
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SciTE is the editor program source code for the programming language. SciTE is completely free and open source. SciTE is based on Scintilla, that supports the syntax of many languages, and works both on Windows and Linux. SciTE is a text editor based on SCIntilla. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown into an editor generally useful with the means to build and run the program. It is best used for the job are simple configurations - I use it to build the test program and demonstration as well as SciTE and Scintilla.
SciTE - source code editor
Features of SciTE
- Editor free source code.
- Simple interface easy to use
- Compatible with different platforms like Windows, Linux,..
- SciTE was running on Windows 7 and on Fedora 25, and Ubuntu 16.04 with GTK + 2.24
- Support syntax highlighting.
Content of update SciTE
- Version 4.1.4 adds support for the CIL intermediate language common of .NET.
- Version 4.1.3 improved support for language Nim with words "nim" new.
- Version 4.1.2 remove features menu on Win32 to fix the errors.
- Version 4.1.1 contains minor bug fixes.
- Version 4.1.0 processing the file DBCS not valid better.
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