Softwares TweakNow RegCleaner 2.0.0

After a long time, after installing and uninstalling many applications, your Windows registry may contain a large number of obsolete entries. These will significantly increase the size of the registry and thus slow down your computer, as Windows will need more time to load, search, and read data from the registry. Therefore TweakNow RegCleaner was created to assist users in the fastest and most reliable registry cleaning available today. TweakNow RegCleaner is available in two different....

After a long time, after installing and uninstalling many applications, your Windows registry may contain a large number of obsolete entries. These will significantly increase the size of the registry and thus slow down your computer, as Windows will need more time to load, search, and read data from the registry.

Therefore TweakNow RegCleaner was created to assist users in the fastest and most reliable registry cleaning available today. TweakNow RegCleaner is available in two different scans; fast and complete (expert) and results will vary whichever you choose. The quick scan hits the essential areas, while the full scan pulls in everything.

Features of TweakNow RegCleaner

  • Fast: using a high performance engine, TweakNow RegCleaner quickly scans your registry for obsolete entries.
  • Precise: uses the complex TweakNow RegCleaner algorithm to correctly identify obsolete entries.
  • Safe: TweakNow RegCleaner automatically creates a backup file before removing obsolete entries from your registry.
  • Free: The program is completely free to use.
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